Then we creatives have to help each other get past the gate keepers. New works, new characters can’t be known otherwise.

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Yes, new communities of writers and filmmakers need to be born. Indies must band together.

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Jun 20Liked by Emily Morgan

"Stop hate watching"

This is the exact conclusion I came to. It's not worth my time, as limited as it is, to watch anything that I know I won't like. I don't need the added negativity in my life, not when I have so much to create.

I'm not even mad anymore when some new iteration of an old beloved IP crops up for mOdErN aUdiEnCeS. What I loved about those properties still exists and I can still enjoy them.

Hollywood can continue to bury itself, I have stories to write.

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I no longer watch anything out of hollywoke before I see the spoiler reviews. Too many times I've seen nostalgia bait used as a trick to get in and punk me like Lucy holding the football.

Right. The reason the creatives in Hollywoke aren't beholden to the fans and they can kick them repeatedly then cry to mommy about it is because they're making commercials for investors (producers) who care only about pushing THE MESSAGE. It's an expansion of what kids cartoons did when they were just 30 minute toy/junkfood commercials. Transformers, G.I.Joes and Disney's Gummi Bears anyone? (Now it's Trans-formers, G.I Janes and Disney's Groomy Bears).

Raz0rfist had the most pithy summation of what you speak of in regards to fandom. "The opposite of love is not hate, it's apathy." They've been so lazy in creating new IPs, because they know nobody will follow it, so they parasitize the IPs that were profitable to try and peanutbutter the poison pill. Too bad we've all figured out that trick, so they're now violating the IPs like a frat pledge during Greek Week. This fires up the outrage, because if they can't be famous they'd rather be infamous and much like Oscar Wilde pointed out: "There is one thing worse than being talked about, and that's not being talked about."

So yes, engage in apathy. Just ignore the hate reviews and watchers because these zombie corpses of IPs will not die till everyone stops talking about them and focuses on the new independent media and entertainment that is rising all about you like weeds after a forest fire. Maybe in 10-20 years these old IPs can be revitalized under less despicable controllers, but till then, let them die in anonymity.

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I don't spend time watching the new bad shows/movies. I'd much rather watch a review for it (Critical Drinker and the like) but even the good reviewers aren't enough anymore. I don't care how badly Disney's ruined another IP; I just want to find good stories again. And that's why I'm re-reading books I enjoyed or going back to the classics that I never read/watched. I used to think hating and raging at bad "content" was fun, but now I'm tired and moving on.

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I do enjoy ranting reviews, not gonna lie! But I'm the same way. I'll reread/rewatch my old favorites over this new sludge any day.

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Jun 21Liked by Emily Morgan

People see the destruction of beloved franchises as a side effect of incompetence. I have to wonder if the vandalism isn't a side effect, but a primary goal. You would think companies would course correct instead of letting billion dollar IPs burn to the ground. Either money doesn't matter any more, or there is something else motivating these people.

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They are destroyers. The existence of Disney or any other entity is just a handy mechanism for the destruction. They don't care about the money.

A lower class version is Antifa. They don't care about having blue hair, unwise tattoos or a criminal record. Their religious beliefs override these normal considerations.

That's why all these people must be actively stopped. You can't just ignore them as the author suggests.

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This is why I gave up my favorite shows. HW destroyed them.

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Many such cases.

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I hate it and I would like it to end. What's worse-- it's a woke crisis that starts in the US but we get lumbered with it in the UK, too. Look at what a monster Disney has become, for example. I think Ireland were the only country willing to say anything bad about Encanto 😂 one critic said "this film has been written by a committee and it shows." I also enjoy the way you baited me there with the Galadriel picture. I can't bring myself to watch that again 😭

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Ha, are there any recent Disney films that look like they weren't written by a committee?

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Nope. I didn't even bother watching their latest one about the wish. I saw a "making of" clip and it just seemed like woke butchery.

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Jun 26Liked by Emily Morgan

yeah, I've been saying for a while now that these people know exactly what they're doing. to them, crying wolf isn't detrimental to expressing truth; it is itself a form of expression, and increasingly the only one they know. it's a winning playbook (for now) because by doing things like needlessly race-swapping characters, they get to pander to clueless progressives *and* generate a load of controversy (i.e. free publicity) *and* play the victims *AND* say 'see! we told you the world is full of bigots, hence the need for more diverse content' (when the so-called bigots are mostly just people saying 'I see that you are condescending to me, and I don't like it; I don't come to media to be lectured'). the really perverse part is how the creators and studios will bemoan the trolling of diverse cast members when they are the ones who put them in that position by taking ordinary people who happen to be actors in need of work and conscripting them into the culture war.

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Good news: recently it was revealed that a full 29 percent of hours viewed on D+ are the wholesome Aussie cartoon dog family series Bluey. So, the SW and cape content is not doing so well since they started this "Kill the property and wear its skin" game.

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I'm not surprised. Although that many hours of Bluey says some other things that I'm not so sure are a net-positive for society.

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This is a really nice explanation of a phenomenon that's been puzzling me for some time. Makes a lot of sense! I hope you wouldn't mind me linking to it in a short piece I am writing myself on why we need heroes?

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Not at all! Go ahead.

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Agree. It is a passive-aggressive stance. I make provocative material, you get provoked, I condemn you for your insane, bigoted overreaction. I get extra brownie points for being a victim of your horrifying hate.

It is pathetic.

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Of course it’s a marketing tactic.

It gets the word out.

Look at the new reveals for newest edition of Dungeons and Dragons.

Make people angry, and it blows up.

But it’s a stupid and futile tactic.

After a while, people see it and will ignore it - this will be the final nail in the coffin for Dungeons and Dragons!

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Thanks for the really interesting article, Emily. Like yourself I’m thoroughly bored with people trying to remake or re-imagine movies or shows that worked decades ago, because, let’s face it, luckily the world has moved on from that societal hellscape that we had to live through all those years ago. And, as I mentioned in my last couple of articles, no good comes from living in the past and everyone needs to appreciate that the next generation will always be different to ours

The good news is that now we’re luckily living through a golden age of new TV shows that started at the turn of the 21st century and hasn’t stopped in the quarter of century since. I could list so many shows that have come out recently that have immediately gone to the top of my best ever lists. Luckily, I don’t go into any show with a pre set agenda so I judge everything on its storytelling merits and nothing else, and I’m so glad that I do, otherwise I would have missed loads of brilliant writing and acting

Same goes for new movies. Some of the films I’ve seen recently have been absolutely outstanding. Watched The Fall Guy which was one of those that I feared would disrespect the TV show but actually improved on the source and ended up being my movie of the year so far. On top of this so many great independent horror movies are coming out just now that recalls the hey days of the 80’s but with a modern twist. In other words, make the right stuff, and you’ll find your fans 👍🏼

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I'd rather have movies from the 40s. They had class, a quality of writing that simply no longer exists in the world, and people who could tell a proper story.

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Yes, I totally agree.

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Take The Boys season 4.

They went full-in on THE MESSAGE after creating a show for an audience that isn’t interested in hearing or seeing that bullshit.

The plot and story are just stupid now.

Rather than writing any more about it, I’m simply not going to continue watching it. I am two episodes in and that’s a big enough sample of time wasted.

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This has become a very popular tactic--draw people in with a decent story and no woke bullshit, and then spring it on them in a later episode/season. I predict this will happen with Fallout.

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It will almost certainly happen with Fallout.

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Did it not already? I thought the big reveal in S1 was that the wicked witch was in fact a tragic misunderstood lesbian working with her brilliant scientist partner to build a feminist utopia, but Evil White Daddy came along and nuked their paradise because of toxic masculinity or whatever.

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I thought they balanced it a bit by having multiple black women as bad people. That doesn’t happen if a show is super woke

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